In Person Treatments Available.
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Injections we offer
- Vitamin B12 & B6 Injection
- Vitamin D Injection
- Mistletoe Injection
- Prolotherapy Injection
Vitamin B12 Injection
Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin form) is an important water-soluble vitamin for the nerve and liver for detoxification. It is often administered by injection so that it can be rapidly absorbed and utilized by the body. Are you B12 deficient ? Video Here
Vitamin B12 injections are commonly helpful for patients who:
- Are primarily have vegetarian diet
- Need help to loose weight
- Have digestive issues
- Have high levels of stress
- Are above the age of 65?
- Have low energy
- Feeling depressed or anxiety
- Have chronic numbness, tingling hands, burning sensation
- Inflamed red, burning, itchy tongue
- Brain fog, memory challenges (dementia)
- Have been diagnosed with low or sub-optimal B12 levels
Vitamin B12 support has been used in the treatment of: neurological conditions, depression, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, tinnitus (ringing in the ear), diabetic neuropathy, low sperm count and many other conditions.
How to Use B12 Shots for Weight Loss Video
Mistletoe Therapy
Mistletoe Therapy is a well known injection therapy in Germany for improving cancer patients’ life quality. This herbal plant contains lectins that can stimulate immune system and have an effect on cancer cells to “self-destruct“.
This therapy complements most cancer therapy, such as Radiation / Chemotherapy.
Effects of Mistletoe Therapy
- Improvement tolerability of conventional treatments.
- Improvement the quality of life of cancer patients. (such as pain, vomiting and sleep disorder)
- Increase the patient’s compliance through reduced side effects of conventional cancer therapies (chemotherapy or radiotherapy)
The pharmacological effects of whole plant extracts from mistletoe for cancer therapy are:
- Immunomodulation (anti-tumor & anti-infectious effects)
- Cytotoxic effects on tumor cells (anti-tumor effect)
- Inhibition of angiogenesis (anti-tumor effect)
- DNA stabilization
Besides using in cancer patient care, mistletoe can be use to reduce joint pain in various chronic arthritis conditions.
Mistletoe therapy WGAL8 NEWS Video
Intravenous Therapy of Mistletoe Therapy – New Positive US study Video
Mistletoe Therapy has one of the most expansive research bases with over 2,600 published scientific papers. Interview with Dr. Steven Johnson. Video
Prolotherapy, short for “proliferation therapy,” works by stimulating the body’s own natural healing mechanisms to repair by producing new collagen and cartilage through the injection mixture of dextrose, saline solution and vitamin B12.
Many professional athletes all over the world have been utilizing Prolotherapy injection. With this treatment many professional athletes are able to get back to playing in only a few weeks, instead of the normal recovery time of 2-6 months.
Book a 15 min complementary appointment for more details!
Prolotherapy for pain Video
Three Things You Need to know about Prolotherapy Video
Does Prolotherapy helps Knee Arthritis? Studies review Dr. Jeffery Peng MD Video
Benefits of Injection Treatment
- VITAMIN B12 & B6 INJECTIONS for weight loss
- PROLOTHERAPY for Joint healing and reduce pain
- MISTLETOE therapy supporting immune system
What to expect in a visit ?
Comprehensive Information Gathering
Best Naturopathic Care
Finding The Root of Your Problem
Contact Us
To the Root of Your Health Problem
1066 Brant St, Burlington, Ontario
First Visit : $160 / $120 for 60 minutes appointment
Subsequent Visits : $80 / $60 for 30 minutes
$50 for 15 minutes
* 25% Discounts apply to children, students and seniors
Bioflex Laser / Acupuncture : $68 for 30 minutes treatment
Sauna : $100
Home Visits : Additional $15 per visit for transportation fees
Clinic Hours
Monday : 10:00am – 8:00 pm
Thursday : 10:00am – 6:00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday : 10:00am – 3:00pm
Phone / Virtual Appointment available upon request
Servicing Burlington, Hamilton, Milton, Brantford, Paris, St. Catharine, Mississauga, Oakville area