Naturopathic Medicine Complementary Alternative Insurance

Autism Treatment – Never Too Late to Excel

Children with autistic spectrum disorder are special children with amazing gifts. They have special abilities that other kids do not but at the same time they have numerous challenges that parents attend to. In addition to needing educational programs such as  Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA), Communication therapies, they need additional and customize nutritional supplements and… Read More…

Naturopathic Medicine complementing the conventional medical system today?

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct practice of primary healthcare. However, it is no longer a segregated or an alternative healthcare. In Ontario, Naturopathic medicine is a regulated health profession with a large scope of practices such as intravenous therapy, vitamin injections, herbal medicine, clinical nutrition, acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy and much more. Naturopathic… Read More…

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